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Table 5
Abbreviations | English | Chinese |
A | LV semi-major axis from widest minor axis radius (b) to apex | |
B | LV short axis radius | |
D | LV truncated semi-major axis from widest minor axis radius (b) to mitral anulus plane | |
A1 | Diastolic SA pericardial LV myocardial area | |
A2 | Diastolic SA endocardial LV myocardial area | |
AV | Aortic valve | |
BSA | Body surface area | |
CI | Cardiac index | |
CO | Cardiac output | |
DBP | Diastolic blood pressure | |
DT | Deceleration time | |
EDA | End-diastolic area | |
EDD | LV end-diastolic diameter | |
EDV | End-diastolic volume | |
EROA | Effective regurgitant orifice area | |
ESA | End-systolic area | |
ESD | LV end-systolic diameter | |
ESS | End-systolic wall stress | |
ESV | End-systolic volume | |
FAC | Fractional area change | |
FS | Fractional shortening | |
HR | Heart rate | |
h/r | Hypertrophy index | |
IVSTd | Diastolic interventricular septal index | |
LA | Left atrium | |
LAD | LV diastolic long axis | |
LAP | LA pressure | |
LV | Left ventricle | |
LVEDP | LV end-diastolic pressure | |
LVET | LV ejection time | |
LVMI | LV mass index | |
LVOT | LV outflow tract | |
MA | Mitral annulus | |
MADmax | Maximum (intercommissural) MA diameter | |
MADmin | Minimum (antero-posterior) MA diameter | |
MAP | Mean arterial presure | |
MR | Mitral regurgitation | |
MV | Mitral valve | |
P | Pressure | |
P1 | Proximal pressure | |
P2 | Distal pressure | |
PDP | Pulmonary diastolic pressure | |
PHT | Pressure half time | |
PISA | Proximal isovelocity surface area | |
PMP | Pulmonary mean pressure | |
PR | Pulmonary regurgitation | |
PRVel | Peak regurgitant velocity | |
PSP | Pulmonary systolic pressure | |
PRedv | PR end-diastolic velocity | |
PVR | Pulmonary vascular resistances | |
PWTd | End-diastolic LV posterior wall thickness | |
PWTs | End-systolic LV posterior wall thickness | |
r | Radius of aliasing vel,ocity (PISA) | |
RAP | Right atrial pressure (hemodynamic) | |
RAPe | Estimated RAP (inferior vena cava collapse) | |
RF | Regurgitant fraction | |
RR | R to R distance on ECG | |
RV | Right ventricle | |
RVol | Regurgitant volume | |
RVOT | RV outflow tract | |
SA | Short axis | |
SBP | Systolic blood pressure | |
SV | Stroke volume | |
SVI | Stroke volume index | |
SVR | Systemic vascular resistances | |
t | LV myocardial thickness | |
TV | Tricuspid valve | |
V1 | Proximal velocity | |
V2 | Distal velocity | |
Va | Aliasing velocity | |
Vp | Peak velocity | |
VTI | Velocity-time integral |