LV Analysis, Morphology

Measurement of Left Ventricular 2D Mass Index

February 14th, 2021
(update April 14th, 2022)

Left Ventricular Mass Index, 2d

Figure 1. 2D parasternal short axis of the left ventricle. Measurement of myocardial area
Figure 1
Figure 2. 2D subcostal 4-chamber. Measurement of semi-major left ventricular axis
Figure 2

LV mass (area/length). 2D (gm)
1.05 x ([5/6 x A1 x (a + d + t)] – [5/6 x A2 x (a + d)])  [Helak, 1981]

LV mass (truncated ellipsoid), 2D (gm):
1.05 p {(b + t)2 x [2/3 x (a + t) + d – [d3 / 3 x (a + t)2]] – b2 x [2/3 a + d – (d3 / 3 x a2)]}  [Schiller, 1989]

Figure 1 Transthoracic parasternal short axis view. Red: tracing of pericardial border to obtain A1. Green: tracing of endocardial border (papillary muscles are excluded) to obtain A2. Am = A1 – A2 = area of myocardium
: myocardial thickness (automatically calculated by the software).
LV mass index (truncated ellipsoid) normal values:
Males: 76±13    gm/m2
Females: 66±11    gm/m2 

Figure 2. Transthoracic subcostal 4-chamber view .a: semi-major axis from widest minor axis radius (b) to apex; b: short axis radius; d:truncated semi-major axis from widest minor axis radius (b) to mitral anulus plane.  
LA: left atrium; RA: right atrium; RV: right ventricle